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About Marta

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I am a first-generation American, born to Portuguese parents in Corona, California. I speak Portuguese, Spanish, and English fluently.


I am an avid sports fan, and I have always played soccer for most of my life. My soccer teams are Fc Porto and Juventus.


I am blessed to be the parent to a beautiful daughter. 


I love to travel, shoot pool, listen to music, meditate at the beach, watch sports, and try new things.

Hollyhocks are a great metaphor for my life. It seems the most beautiful and vibrant blooms have sprung forth from the crack in a sidewalk. They represent resiliency and becoming the best version of yourself by overcoming adversity.


I have faced many obstacles and have worked hard to come through each experience a better person. This has greatly contributed to my transferable skills. And, it it why I have devoted much of my life to supporting survivors of sexual crimes, recovering addicts, and at-risk youth. Just as much as I am aiming high in my life, it is my passion to inspire others to shoot for the stars. 

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